The HOPE of 1651

 In 1651 a small group of Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal set sail from Amsterdam and settled on the island of Curaçao. Finally allowed to practice their faith openly, they founded a congregation and named it Mikvé Israel - the Hope of Israel. 

The name they gave their congregation symbolized their hope that, after having experienced generations of persecution in Europe, Judaism would flourish in the Americas. 

Today, 372 years later, only a handful of congregation members remain on the island. The costs of maintaining this heritage are too much for the community to carry alone. We need your support to keep the Hope of 1651 alive where it began, on the island of Curaçao. 

Ways to help

Donate Funds

Your donation will help us keep the doors open. Click to follow simple steps to make a tax-deductible donation via the WUPJ (World Union for Progressive Judaism)  Donate 

Connect Us

We are looking for good-fit organizations, foundations and individuals that can support our efforts to safeguard our heritage and strengthen our community. If you can make any introductions, please reach out to 

Share Our Story

Please share this website with others with whom you feel that our situation will resonate. 

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Fill out this contact form to join our mailing list, stay up to date on our progress, or offer any assistance.

We believe that our survival is of great value to World Jewry, and we are appealing for help in order to preserve our traditions, histories and culture for generations to come. 

Learn More About Our History

To learn more about Mikvé Israel-Emanuel and the Jews of Curaçao, please visit the following sites: